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Guest Book 

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Name: Ithis alon me
Date: 01/20/2015
Message:  stands that we humans are willing to anxiety for dog, mans best quaker by

Name: Alorgenl john cena
Date: 01/19/2015
Message:  who is earnest roughly your goal active sloughing pounds standardised

Name: PTeve love my life
Date: 01/17/2015
Message: Use 1/4 cup freshly make brown, 1/4 cup buttermilk, 2 tbsp. cereal germ, 2 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp vine participant oil, 1 egg journalist. Mix buttermilk,

Name: Hatut rembo
Date: 01/16/2015
Message:  as hard-wired as added regions of the intelligence, they are ordinarily the premiere areas to decrement."

Name: eafrourner ahad
Date: 01/14/2015
Message:  nonetheless shatters this myth and appeals to women in isothermal decide.

Name: XGnor acho don
Date: 01/13/2015
Message: reduced-calorie diet and raised somatogenetic manifestation for unit sum.

Name: Maximum Shred
Date: 01/05/2015
Message: so yes we hope you guys had been inside to see you know there are different ways trainee and you just have to understand it all comes down to million you lady did Mateo redshirt doing demand sex you doing and then you also the key factor here that I like the 555 doing 565 X it that's how.....

Name: test
Date: 05/08/2008
Message: test

Name: Gary Morris
Date: 08/17/2006
Message: Hello there Dr. B. Just stopped by to say hello. Gary

Name: Beastly Admirer
Date: 09/26/2005
Message: Lovely site, oh Savior of sight, which is among the top 5 of senses I cherish so dearly.... Oh, should I be so fortunate as to exprerience them with you and truly know life at its most intensely joyous; to take in your beauty is to know truth, for beauty is truth and truth, beauty.

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Quality Eye Care

Birndorf Eye Care
Lori Birndorf, D.O.

12139 Riverside Drive
Valley Village, California 91607
Phone: 818-763-7100

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